27 May, 2022 In Apps, Gadgets & ReviewsTechnology

App Roundup #1: Entertainment

Apps… the world revolves around them.


Whether we like it or not, most people nowadays depend on their phone, tablet or PC to help them get through their day, at work and even at home. 


In today’s instalment we’re going to focus on some great entertainment apps.


Entertainment is quite a broad term, as such we feel we should specify that we’re referring to leisure content consumption apps which help us unwind after a long day.

We will also try to go for some unconventional choices in order to provide you with something new to try out!


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MadLipz – iOS | Android


Been around for some time, but this app seems to be quite addicting…

Think of it as similar to TikTok in a way, but its main aim is for its users to dub their voice over existing video material… oftentimes they would create rather awkward dialogue which takes the video out of its original context… making it even funnier!


Amazon Prime Video – iOS | Android


If Netflix is not doing it more for you then chances are you are looking for an alternative.

While Disney+ is still not available in Malta, Amazon Prime Video might be your next best option.

Same drill goes here… a monthly subscription to access Amazon’s library of movies and TV shows!

Amazon Prime Video
Canon EOS 90D


TikTok – iOS | Android


We had to include TikTok not only due to its popularity rise in the past years but also because it’s a way to kill off some time while relaxing.

Whether you like quick tutorial videos, new dancing trends or even make up tutorials, TikTok seems to have it all under one roof… or app!


Music Zen – iOS | Android


An app with the prospect to help you unwind, relax and clear your mind from all the stresses of the world.

This is combined with some in-app activities which are not only soothing but also entertaining to do.

Expect in-app purchases here to unlock the full potential of the app.

Short videos


Clash – iOS | Android


First there was Vine, then it shut down…

Arguably the father of the short-video content format which once was the up and coming place to be and produce video! However there was a gap in the market and Byte (dubbed as Vine 2.0) was later released…

Until it got purchased by Clash App, Inc., who rebranded the app to Clash.

Same format applies here, short looping videos, with users connecting and following each other while also providing a way for fans to support their favourite content creators!

While all the apps above provide entertainment to varying degrees, it is also worth mentioning that you should use them responsibly, taking into account the time spent and planning better your day in order not to distract yourself from other priorities!

Make sure you are aware of the apps which ask for in-app purchases to unlock their full potential before you commit to the purchase. 


Did you find any of these apps interesting?

Let us know via our socials!

App store

This post contains product placement which is solely the opinion/view of the author and in no way affiliated with those of Toppin' Up.