14 Oct, 2022 In FoodLifestyle & Travel

Food from around the world #1

Ahhhhhhh, food! We all love to indulge in that meal that brings happiness coupled with those flavours we are so fond of.


In this series of posts, we will be going around the world (virtually, that is) and bring forth some of the well-known and other lesser known recipes you can try out today!


Let's start!

Food World
Fish and Chips


Fish and Chips
The United Kingdom


A classic staple dish often associated with the United Kingdom.

Expect Cod or Haddock to feature in batter coating alongside fries, mushy peas and salad to accompany this flavour-rich meal.


Momo dumplings


We’re going from the UK to Asia and feature these dumplings which can be found filled with various ingredients such as vegetables and minced meat.

Traditionally steamed, Momos can be found in the Nepalese and Chinese areas however neighbouring countries such as India also enjoy such foods.

Momo Dumplings


Cape Verde


Off the western coasts of Africa we find a group of islands called Cape Verde.

Here one popular dish is the Cachupa which is a stew-like dish consisting of meat, eggs, beans and potatoes amongst other spices and ingredients.

Two variants of the same dish are differentiated with the use of meat and vegetables, with the former being considered as the richer variant, whilst the latter, poor.

Are you familiar with the food listed above?


Let us know via our socials!

Food Planet