09 Jan, 2023 In FoodLifestyle & TravelOutdoorsSport

Down the Rabbit Hole: Bad Eating Habits

After the Christmas and New Year period ended, many would be thinking about all the food that has been devoured.


While we are not nutritionists, it is always a good idea to observe our eating habits and try to flip a new page (until next December, at least…)


Are you ready?





First of all, one would need to be aware of the situation.

Taking a mindfulness course or following some tutorials on YouTube might be the right way to get you mind in a state to recognise the need to detox.

These techniques will ease your brain into realising the problem and puts you in a position where you can think and rationalise a plan forward.


Taking a proper Breakfast


While eggs and bacon might sound more appetising, opting for a more fibre-rich and protein abundant breakfast might kickstart your day feeling more energised and recharged.

This is better than munching on nibbles before lunchtime and may also promote a more efficient metabolism.

Carrot Sticks


Fruits and veg


If you’re a muncher, then better replace those chocolate-chip cookies with some carrot sticks.

Yes, carrot sticks, like other similar vegetables can be a great substitute to nibble on something which is less fattening and more nutritious.

Sure, it won’t have the same level of tastiness, but it will help you reduce your sugar intake throughout the day.




Together with mindfulness, you can also opt in for some yoga classes.

This mental detox will surely help you to find and communicate with your inner soul, while also clears your mind from the stresses which surround us during the year.

Like our first tip, you can find tons of YouTube videos which explain the exercises you can do at the comfort of your own home.



Walk or runnnnn


If you’re not into meditating, then physical activity might be a more attractive activity for you.

Walking, jogging, or running can help ease off stress whilst also burning calories that may have been in excess throughout the past few weeks.

With Malta and Gozo boasting several idyllic spots in the countryside, it is a question of choosing an area/spot to have a little jog!

Will you be trying any of the above?


Let us know via our socials!
