22 Nov, 2021 In DrinksFood

Healthy Recipes: Vegan Creamy Chocolate Smoothie

A sweeeet, nutritious and energy-boosting smoothie!

I usually love having this for breakfast, and it’s also great after a workout.

Whenever I have this smoothie after a workout, I add about 30g of a high-quality natural plant-based protein powder e.g., Raw Sport (the products are made from bio-fermented pea protein), and don’t contain any artificial sweeteners and preservatives / additives. 

Creamy Chocolate Smoothie

This is a vegetarian and vegan friendly recipe

Servings: 1

Chocolate Chips


  • *150g frozen ripe bananas or 1 ripe banana refrigerated
  • 350ml unsweetened plant-based milk (almond / soy / oat)
  • 1 tbsp. 100% pure almond / peanut butter
  • 30g oats
  • 2 tbsp. cacao powder
  • 3 small dates or 1 medjool date (soften in hot water for 5 minutes)
  • 2 tsp. chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp. maca powder (optional)
Almond Butter


  1. Add all the ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. 
  2. Serve in your favourite cup or a fancy mason jar!



When using frozen bananas, it’s important to use a strong high-speed blender.

Frozen bananas create the creamy texture of the smoothie, which makes it even more delicious and satisfying!

Frozen Bananas

Tips... on how to freeze ripe bananas*

To freeze ripe bananas, simply remove the skin, cut them into slices, place them on a baking tray on parchment paper.

Leave them in the freezer (for about 1-2 hours) until firm and fully frozen.

Next add to a securely sealed airtight container or a freezer bag, and place inside the freezer.

Use within 3 months, for optimal flavour and texture.

Freezing is a great preservation method for bananas especially when they’re ripe and need to be used. Bananas are also one of the top wasted foods around the world, so take advantage of freezing as a preservation method!

More on this via YouTube


Enjoy this chocolatey goodness!

Let us know if you try it out via our socials!